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Image by Patrick Fore

Service Offerings

Embodiment Experience Session

Tap into your body’s wisdom and gain an empowering perspective on a challenge or situation in your life through this 75 minute coaching session.

Reclamation Journey

This is a 3 month journey to tend to your inner wounds, release limiting beliefs and conditioning, and liberate your inner self and your inner healer so you can live with more aliveness and radiance.

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Feminine Essence & Flow

All emotion has an associated sensation in the body. Liberate, amplify, and express these sensations through  a guided drop-in and embodied movement.

Embodimet Experience


Embodiment Experience Session

Tap into your body’s wisdom and gain an empowering perspective on a challenge or situation in your life through this 75 minute coaching session.  

You’ll feel a greater sense of calm, flow, and ease in a specific aspect of your life, connect with a part of yourself that may need self-compassion and attunement, and learn an embodied exercise to implement in your day to day.

What to expect

Before the session, you will receive a brief questionnaire to initiate our container.

Our sessions always begin by grounding into safety then connecting with our inner landscape through a guided process to drop down from our minds to our body. 

From this place of body connectivity, we’ll collaborate on defining a specific goal that will inform our inquiry during our time together. 

I’ll offer you powerful questions and invitations to use the language of our body express and move you wholly towards your desire. 

Finally, we’ll reaffirm the wisdom your body has offered you, and articulate the holistic, body-based action steps that will continue to move you forward. 

After our session, you will receive detailed session notes - your session story-  and a recording of our session, if you have provided consent, which will be available to you for 1 week. 

Depending on your in-session discoveries, you may also receive specific embodiment homework to continue to propel you forward. 

Investment= $150 USD
Reclamaion Journey

Reclamation Journey


This is a 3 month journey to tend to your inner wounds, release limiting beliefs and conditioning, and liberate your inner self and your inner healer so you can live with more aliveness, radiance, and joy. 

As a result, you’ll have the wisdom and compassion to tend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit. You will learn your unique tools and practices that will transform your self-care, and live with more flow, calm, and ease. You will experience inner healing guided by your body’s knowledge and experience, and amplify pleasure, intuition, and magnetism.  

What's included

9 1:1 coaching sessions over 3 months (one session weekly for 3 weeks plus an integration week). 

Your initial coaching session will be 90 minutes, followed by sessions lasting 60 minutes. All via Zoom. 

Notes (your session story) and a recording (with consent) for each session.

Clear and achievable embodiment homework exercises to support your integration. 

Three months of voice note and email support between sessions.

30 minute check-in call to use at any time.

Your journey will lead you through the following stages
Connecting with your inner self

Identifying your patterns, events that your body is holding on to, beliefs that dictate how you operate, ways the body experiences pain, your values, and your desires. During this stage, you will uncover what is most present for you and what is immediately there and holding you back. 

Liberating tension and trauma

Your body provides a wealth of data for your mind to process, but often the processing of that data is incomplete, leaving an imprint of the energy and sensation in your body. Your body may react to a situation based on a memory, and not reality. Unlocking these patterns of response is necessary to allow for a greater sense of flow and ease, and more space for your desired feelings.  

Exploring boundaries and limiting beliefs

Boundaries are informed by what we really want and allow us to show up as our authentic, unapologetic selves. Often what we want is clouded by the roles we play in life and the societal expectations around those roles- like wife, mother, daughter, homemaker, provider, employee, business owner. Often this work requires that we encounter the unresolved needs of our inner child, and many of our limiting beliefs were bornfrom our childhood experiences. We’ll explore the roles we play, the dynamic of those relationships, and how we want to show up, as well as the origins and realities of our limiting beliefs to make way for our truth. 

Orienting toward and feeling your desires

Exploring how our uncovered desires and new ways of being feel in our body is necessary in order to call in what we truly want out of life. Feeling, embodying, and owning our desires is a first step in amplifying our magnetism. 

Experiencing pleasure, joy, and connection

Allowing the body to feel pleasure and compassion towards ourselves  and others, from our immediate family to our community to our world,  is when we have stepped into the role of our Inner Mother, our Inner Healer- our true self.

Investment= $1900 USD
Penalty free payment plans available

Your personalized Reclamation Journey Saga, a written summation of where you were at the start of our time together, where you went within during your inquiries, and who you have discovered yourself to truly be at the close of our container to guide your future reflections.

Investment= $575

Feminine Essence & Flow

Feminine Essence & Flow is a body-based movement practice that brings your awareness down from the mind into the currents of sensation deep within you so you can feel and experience your body more fully. Sensation, or the internal felt senses, is the language of our body, our feminine, that has been muted over time in favor of logic, rational, linear thinking that propels us forward in a state of doing, over being.  

This is a somatic practice that is unstructured and unscripted – unlike a yoga class- and is akin to a moving meditation that seeks to create deeper intimacy between your body, mind, and spirit. The practice can be used to amplify pleasure or liberate sources of tension in the body, and help you find more sensitivity to the aliveness of your essence, and feel more flow as you reconnect with the outside world. 

This practice is trauma-aware. We work with the sensations that are alive in your present moment, and do not need to go back into our past. We seek only to sincerely be with and express what is present in the body in the moment. 


We begin the session with a brief drop-in process- either seated or lying down which is similar to a traditional meditation. The aim is to establish a sense of


safety within the space, and begin to connect with our inner landscape and notice sensations in the body. With this body-awareness, we may set an intention or ask a question to create a focus for our personal practice. 

Generally, the movement practice begins on hands or forearms and knees as this tends to shift our orientation in a way that slows and quiets us down, and allows the spine the most opportunity to move. This position may not work for you, or be where your practice concludes, and that’s completely ok. Our first priority is always your safety and comfort.

We’ll use gentle music as a backdrop, but the energy, currents, or feelings within the body guide how we move. The aim is to use our body, not to overthink or analyze any part of our experience, but to fully inhabit what we notice within. You are allowing your sensation to move you and move through you – in whatever way that may be, there is no right nor wrong way to move in this practice.

You'll be given prompts through the practice to notice your sensations, and be given permission and space to experience your inner world fully in the body. There may be pleasure or pain, sadness or joy, or anything in between. You will be welcomed and allowed to express these sensations through the pillars of embodiment: awareness, breath, movement, touch, and sound. 

We’ll close the session with an opportunity to share or journal your experience.

Feminine Essence & Flow is developed from the teachings of Michaela Boehm, creator of the Non-linear Movement Method, and Jenna Ward, Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. 

Image by Casey Olsen

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